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07/12/2024 23:38 PM


In order to successfully submit transactions through your payment processor, you must provide a boarding form to our Client Services team that includes your account and processor-specific information.


These instructions assume you have completed the following:

  1. Confirmed the name of your payment processor.
  2. Visited the Support Center and requested Organization ID Activation (Go Live) or a Processor Configuration, including the name of your payment processor.
  3. Received a boarding form from our Client Services team for the requested payment processor.

This article describes fields on the boarding form. The form is an Excel file with multiple worksheets accessible by tabs.

View additional field descriptions by selecting the cell to the right of the field name, as the image below demonstrates.

User-added image

Note: The boarding form you receive may not include all the fields described below. The required fields depend upon your processor. 

For assistance, please contact your Sales Representative or our Client Services team.


I. Processor Boarding Form

Registered Business Address

Your business name and its registered company address.

Contact Information

The point of contact at the merchant/acquiring bank. If you are unable to identify the contact, provide the contact information of the person filling the boarding form.

Processor Information

The name of the payment processor is shown at the top of the form. Please refer to the VAR Sheet (also known as tear or parameter sheets) provided by your merchant acquiring bank (MA) or merchant services provider (MSP) to retrieve processor values. Your MA or MSP may be able to assist you with filling out the processor information.

If you must provide multiple values for a parameter, e.g., multiple Organization IDs, please enter each unique value in separate columns.


Organization ID

(formerly "Cybersource Merchant ID")

The Organization ID to be configured.
Acquiring BankName of your MA institution.
CurrencyCurrency or Currencies the Organization ID will be processing.

Supported currencies vary by processor. Please review the listed currencies for the field in the dropdown menu.
PaymentsYes - The Organization ID will process payments.
No - The Organization ID will only be used for Decision Manager, Tax Calculation, and/or other services without the use of a payment processor.
Payment ChannelSelect the eCommerce Indicator (ECI) of the MID, which determines how payments will be defined by default.


Additional Services

Please speak with your Sales Representative for any questions regarding these products/services, and to confirm if you are signed-off for these services.

ParameterDescriptionPossible Values
Payer Authentication (3D Secure)Cardholder authentication service.Yes / No
- If Yes, please complete the 3DS Setup worksheet.
Airline DataEnables transmission of airline industry data.Yes / No
Decision ManagerService that enables merchant to use business rules to accurately identify and review potentially risky transactions, while minimizing the rejection of valid orders.Yes (default settings)
Yes (custom settings)

- If Yes (custom settings), please complete the Decision Manager Custom Setup worksheet.
Fraud Management Essentials (FME)Fraud prevention service with preconfigured fraud filters that detect fraud and automatically monitors every order to eliminate fraudulent transactions while still providing a seamless customer experience. Yes / No
Payment TokenizationEncryption of sensitive payment data with a unique identifier (token).

Payment Tokenization is being end-of-life'd (EOL) in favor of the newer Token Management Services (TMS). Existing Merchant IDs that are enabled for Payment Tokenization will automatically be enabled for TMS. 

Note: Payment Tokenization enablement requests will only accepted for merchants who have a specific requirement for Recurring Billing or who already have a portfolio of tokens with an existing Organization ID.
Yes - Default 22 Digit Format
Yes - 16 Digit Format
Yes - 16 Digit w/ last 4
Token Management Services (TMS)Standardizes the token management process for multiple Organization IDs under a single account and designed to support omni-channel execution. At the present time, Recurring Billing and TMS are not compatible with each other.Customer (default): 32 Character Hex
Payment Instrument: 32 Character Hex
Instrument Identifier: 19 Digits Last 4 Preserving
Recurring BillingProcess recurring, installment, or on-demand payments using tokenized card data. At the present time, Recurring Billing and TMS are not compatible with each other.Yes - Default 22 Digit Format
Yes - 16 Digit Format
Yes - 16 Digit w/ last 4
Token SharingAllow customer tokens to be shared (accessed) across multiple Organization IDs.Yes / No
Token Sharing GroupGroup ID (typically the Parent ID) to associate token sharing across multiple Organization IDs.Cybersource MID
Account LinkingManage multiple Organization IDs (typically multiple Transacting MIDs under a single Merchant-level Organization ID).Yes / No
Parent MIDDesignated Parent (Master) Organization ID used to manage multiple Transacting MID-level Organization IDs.Cybersource MID
Tax ServiceCalculate tax in real time.Yes / No
Mastercard Auth IndicatorThe default value of Mastercard authorizations, determining how they should be submitted to the payment processor. This value can be overridden in an API request.Final / Pre / Undefined
Merchant ID
Online payment service. You must setup an account with PayPal to be assigned a PayPal Merchant ID.E-mail Address or Alphanumeric value


II. 3DS Setup

If you plan to use Payer Authentication (3D Secure) services, you are required to complete the 3DS Setup worksheet. Although Client Services does hold a range of Acquiring Identifiers (commonly referred to as BINs) for Merchant Acquirers (MA), there will be instances where we may require you to reach out to your MA or MSP for the Acquiring Identifier (Acquirer BIN) and Merchant ID for each supported card type.

Acquiring Identifier (Acquirer BIN)Populate for each card type you will be using the 3D Secure service with. This value will be different for each card type.

Note: Hover over the AcquirerId column for each card scheme to view specifications on the length and requirements for the value.
Acquirer Merchant IDAlso known as the banking number or processor merchant number. This value may be identical or unique for each card type and/or currency.
Merchant InformationEnsure that the merchant information section is completely filled out for each Organization ID.

III. Decision Manager Custom Setup

If you plan to use the custom features available for Decision Manager, update the Decision Manager Custom Setup worksheet to your preferences. If you are unsure of any of these custom features, please leave the relevant fields with their default values.

Negative List

ParameterDescriptionPossible Values
Chargeback UploadDetermines the data fields that are added to the negative list when uploading Chargeback files or when using the auto-marking chargeback tool.Yes / No - Card / Email / Shipping address / Telephone / Device fingerprint / IP address / Smart ID
Mark As SuspectDetermines the data fields that that will be marked as suspect by default.Yes / No - Card / Email / Shipping address / Telephone / Device fingerprint / IP address / Smart ID
Auto Negative listDetermines the data fields that will automatically be added to the merchant's negative list.Yes / No - Card / Email / Shipping address / Telephone / Device fingerprint / IP address / Smart ID
Disable auto fraud listingControls if fields get added to negative list as result of auto negative functionality.Yes / No

Sharing Data

ParameterDescriptionPossible Values
Decision Manager Hierarchy (DMH)Allows you to share rules and DM configuration between Organization IDs.Cybersource MID of Parent Account
Shared VelocityAllows you to share velocity values between multiple Organization IDs.A list of Organization IDs
Shared Positive ListAllows you to share positive lists between multiple Organization IDs.A list of Organization IDs
Shared Negative ListAllows you to share negative lists between multiple Organization IDs.A list of Organization IDs

Additional Settings

ParameterDescriptionPossible Values
Decision Manager ReplayUse historical data to test DM rules.Yes / No

Third-Party Services

ParameterDescriptionPossible Values
EmailageProvide risk assessments on the email address.Yes / No
Whitepages ProProvides identity data about consumers.Yes / No

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