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07/12/2024 23:36 PM


Problem Description

I reset my Password successfully in the "Forgot Password" utility but I am now receiving the error message "Incorrect user name or password" when I attempt to sign in with my new credentials.



Multiple potential causes:

  1. Account is locked
  2. Incorrect URL
  3. You are attempting to sign in with the reset password for a user that belongs to a different Business Center environment
For example, you can reset the password for a Test user, but you are using the same username for a Production environment
  1. Web browser issues
  2. The password management tool/add-on in browser is automatically adding the previous password into the form when you sign in



To log in successfully after resetting your Password:
  1. Ensure that your account is unlocked
  2. Verify that the URL you use contains only the following characters: https://businesscenter.cybersource.com/ebc2/. If you use a bookmark, edit the link so that it contains only businesscenter.cybersource.com
  3. Verify that you are attempting to sign in to the environment (Test or Live) associated with your account
  4. Try entering the new password from a different browser
  5. Clear your web browser's cache/cookies
  6. Try using Private browsing (for Chrome, Incognito mode) on your web browser
  7. Try entering the new password from a different device
  8. Update the new password or disable any password management tool in your browser

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